Saturday, June 13, 2009

Inadequate Health Facilities

As it’s evident in other slums in Kenya. Matopeni /quarry village suffer from poor sanitation, purchasing and high rate of immortalities to mention but a few. All past and present government have not recognized this part as one of Nairobi city hence do not provide welfare services or social amenities . This can be characterized by poor toilets/latrines on top of the sewage line, one roomed tin/iron sheet dwellings without privacy. The village receives water once a week from NAIROBI SEWARAGE AND WATER COMPANY and without storage facilities many go even without water or buy at 20/= a jerrycan. The communal toilets are very dirty and in poor conditions without doors girls and women feel them to use the school toilets.
Disease such as malaria, pneumonia, diarrhea the children resulting death. The sick destitute children and injured orphans must walk 4 km to the nearest city council hospital for treatment. The hospital is not well equipped and lacks proper medical facilities and makes it difficult to curb and control any outbreak leading to high mortality in the community.

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